

Reading manga in MangaDex is fun right ? but imagine you want to read it offline and save it in your devices. This is where mangadex-downloader comes to help !


How to install it ? Well it's simple, make sure you follow these steps

Installation in Windows:

  • Go to
  • Download the zip file based on your CPU architecture (if your OS support x64 architecture, then download, if not then download the x86)
  • If the zip file has finished download, extract it
  • Congratulations, you have succesfully installed mangadex-downloader

Installation in Linux / Mac OS:

Unfortunately, Linux or Mac OS doesn't have bundled executable like Windows (because the update process). However you can still install it from PyPI (Python Package Index)

Before jumping to these steps make sure you have Python 3.8.x or up with Pip installed on your system.

  • You can proceed to install mangadex-downloader by following commands
python3 -m pip install mangadex-downloader

# You might want to install additional packages (PDF support, cb7 support, etc)
python3 -m pip install mangadex-downloader[optional]
  • Congratulations, you have succesfully installed mangadex-downloader


After you successfully installed mangadex-downloader, you can start using it now !

  • Download a manga
mangadex-dl ""
  • Download a chapter
mangadex-dl ""
  • Download a list
mangadex-dl ""

For more information about usage, you can read it here

